Lenny Henry
Lenny Henry TV

I watched Normal People. I did keep screaming at the screen, "Why don't they just talk to each other after they've had sex?" These people never communicated. Surely after you have had all that sex, you could have a chat. But apart from that, I really did like it.

Dave Chappelle's 8:46 is genius.

Big Little Lies season one.

Game of Thrones season one to seven, with special mentions for bits of eight.

The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, of course.

I really, really, really liked Sitting in Limbo, which was on television recently. Big shout out to the writers, the production team and Left Bank Pictures for going the whole hog. We could do with more shows like this. It was a damning indictment of the Theresa May hostile environment and more power to its elbow.

And a special shout out to everybody concerned with Douglas Road Productions, who made Soon Gone: Windrush Chronicles. We've been nominated for a BAFTA for a series of monologues that were made with hardly any money, but with such a lot of talent right through the writing and performing, present company excepted! Well done to everybody concerned.


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